Resonance Poster Exhibition | Vegas Strong Tribute
Brief: For my college design program's annual poster exhibition, we were instructed to develop & print a 24x36 poster layout that visually expresses how we process through difficult times in our life.
Solution: At the time the poster exhibition was announced, a mass tragedy struck the city of Las Vegas. A music festival had been taking place on the Las Vegas Strip when a gunman took out fifty-eight people at the event. Within my poster, I was determined to pay tribute to the victims, as well as the local community as we were coming together to help one another process our tremendous grief.
Listening to music/media is a way that calms the noisiness of my brain and comforts me through difficult situations. While I was in class, I discovered the wiring of the earbuds I used could be transformed to spell out words & shapes, and the tiny holes inside of the earbuds could be easily portrayed in a certain quantity.
I initially experimented with several digital sketches to find a way to connect the shape of a heart and the spelling of "Vegas Strong" with only one line. The two earbuds were added to the starting and ending points of the single line. Within the earbuds, twenty-nine holes were placed into each to create a total of fifty-eight, honoring each of the fifty-eight victims of the tragedy.
Orange was the main color associated with the festival, so I featured the color to visually and metaphorically represent the community coming together to find the light and love in a dark place by uniting as one.
Tools Used: Adobe Illustrator & Photoshop
Award: Second Place Best in Show of Poster Exhibition

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