Remedess Design | College Portfolio Publication
Brief: For my last semester at the College of Southern Nevada, my final design project was to organize and print a portfolio publication of ten designs developed throughout my time in the Graphic Communications program, as well as a business card and leave behind to accompany it.
Solution: As a college student and brand new graphic design intern, I was eager to take a personal opportunity to gain experience in working with a professional printing company to produce my publication. I recruited a local printer to print, score and assemble a saddle-stitch (stapled) booklet, as well as one hundred postcards of the works featured inside of the booklet and business cards as leave behinds.
I also wanted to have a personal hand in part of the printing process. For the postcards, I designed a cover that I printed on my personal inkjet printer. I individually trimmed and assembled each of the one hundred covers by hand, customizing them with a folded tab on the bottom and a slit to carefully hold it in place. I also included hole punches on the short edges of the cover so that I could hold the postcards in place with an elastic band.
I was able to share my portfolio publication and leave behinds with executives in the industry at my college's portfolio exhibition, and I received second place for Best of Show.
Tools Used: Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, InDesign, Industrial Print Shop
Award: Second Place Best in Show at Portfolio Exhibition
College Portfolio Publication | Saddle-Stitch (Stapled) Booklet 
College Portfolio Leave Behind | 4x6 Postcards with Homemade Covers & Elastic Binding
College Portfolio Leave Behind | Soft Touch Business Cards with Gold Foil

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