Holly Daisy Design
Brief: For my personal & freelance graphic design work, I was in need of a logo and brand to identify myself.
Solution: For my personal brand, I experimented over the course of several months with a variety of name ideas and basic sketches; from words in Romanian to honor my ancestors, to my full name. However, I was ultimately searching for a name that could feature my first name, Holly, in a creative way.
Something unique about my name is that it shares the name of the traditional holly berry plant. So, in keeping with the theme of things with leaves, I remembered my birth flower is a daisy. Holly berries are traditionally accompanied by leaves with thorns that droop towards the ground, and a variety of daisy flowers feature petals that droop like holly berry leaves.
As soon as I decided I wanted to feature both of those elements and found a shared visual connection between the plant and flower, I began to work on digitally sketching multiple angles of how the combination of a set of holly berries and a daisy could appear with the help of my Wacom Intuos Pro Paper Edition tablet. It took me several attempts to finally feel satisfied with what was decided to be the final design where both elements could shine.
The final version of the logo and brand name is now featured on my website, business card, and social media.
Tools Used: Adobe Illustrator & Wacom Intuos Pro Paper Edition
Final Logo Design
First Digital Sketches of Logo Design
Initial Pencil Sketches of Logo Design

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